Balancing My Hobbies And My Music Career
My music career has allowed me to have such a flexible schedule with my hobbies. My main hobby is martial arts. In fact, it is more...
What It Is Like To Teach Private Students
When I went to college, I really thought I wanted to teach in the public school system. As I was going through college, I became more...
What It Is Like Being A Freelance Musician
Believe it or not, I have only had two jobs - event staff at my high school, which was a student-worker job, and being a musician. Both...
Engineering in My Home Studio
Do you need recording done for your musical theater project, original EP, or track you’ve always wanted to lay down? Well, my home...
What Online Lessons Are Like With Me
Skype lessons can be pretty intimidating to people who want to study music, but can’t physically be in my studio. Understandably, the...